Buenos Aires & Santa Fe, Argentina
LECIP ARCONTIA has supplied ARC1300 OEM Smart card readers for onboard validators to our partner Rosario Bus in Argentina. The readers are integrated in validators for quick and secure validation of contactless cards used in approximately 1,000 buses in the Buenos Aires and Santa Fe regions.
Rosario Bus is a private bus operator owning and operating a large fleet of buses in Argentina. In 2009, Rosario Bus decided to upgrade their fare collection system, which included a modern e-ticketing system consisting of front-end devices that could operate in an interoperable and contactless environment. LECIP ARCONTIA's ARC1300 readers were chosen for the upgrade and approximately 1,000 buses have already been equipped with the readers.
The ARC1300 were fine tuned with Rosario Bus’ validators for enhanced performance and reading distance and selected for its security and other high performance features.