Cairo, Egypt
In 2017 Arcontia's OEM readers installed in turnstiles at the American University in Cairo.
Moscow, Russia
In 2009, Arcontia equipped Moscow Metro with OEM embedded smart card readers for turnstile validation.
The Netherlands
In 2011, Arcontia equipped Dutch Railways (NS) in the Netherlands with rugged mobile devices for ticket control and travel information.
Buenos Aires & Santa Fe, Argentina
In 2009, Arcontia supplied OEM smart card readers for onboard validators to the city of Rosario in Argentina.
Sofia, Bulgaria
Since 2011, Lecip Arcontia has supplied our Bulgarian partner, Antima, with ARC1301 RS232 OEM Readers and ARC2302 USB Desktop Readers for the Sofia Metro.
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Pennsylvania, USA
In 2016, Arcontia supplied Avail Technologies Inc. in the United States with ARC 2331 contactless smart card readers and ARC 3301 T5 Ethernet contactless smart card validators.
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
In 2011, Arcontia equipped one of the largest bus company providers based in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, with onboard light bus validators.